How to Prepare for a Murder Board Review

Learn how to prepare for a murder board review and follow these tips to increase the chances of your project getting the green light.

June 9, 2023
A beagle surrounded by paperwork and learning how to prepare for a murder board review

Well, hello there and – welcome back to PART TWO of our thrilling Murder Board series! In this post, we’re going to delve a bit deeper into the project evaluation process and equip you with the gusto, confidence, and conviction to prepare for a murder board review.

Before we start down that path, however, if you’re currently wondering “what on Earth is a Murder Board“, we kindly suggest you visit Part 1 of this series, which covers exactly that.

Now, let’s continue our journey towards getting your project green-lighted!

Understanding the Murder Board review process

The murder board review process is a fairly rigorous evaluation method used to assess projects and determine their viability. A panel of experts come together to scrutinize your project proposal, ask some tough questions, and assess your project’s potential risks and benefits (see, it’s not all bad). Understanding this process is key to navigating it successfully. So let’s prepare for a Murder Board review…

Gathering relevant & compelling evidence

When preparing for the murder board review, gathering evidence that both supports your project and engages your audience is critical to getting that green light.🚦

We recommend the following:

  1. Craft a well-structured project proposal that clearly outlines the participants, objectives, scope, timeline, and expected outcomes. Present the information in a compelling manner to grab the attention of the murder board (don’t bore the board). 😴
  2. Gather relevant data and insights to add weight to your project’s feasibility and likely success. This could involve market research, competitive analysis, or stakeholder interviews. A strong evidence base will level-up your project’s credibility.

Articulating the value proposition to support your project

During the murder board review, it’s absolutely essential to articulate the value proposition of your project effectively, and outline how that aligns with the business needs. Here’s how you can achieve this somewhat lofty goal:

  1. Clearly define the unique value that your project brings to the organization. Highlight the benefits, any possible financial gains, process improvements, or enhanced customer experiences. Make a strong case for why your project matters. 💪
  2. Expect potential objections and prepare clear and convincing arguments. Leverage your persuasive side to craft language and data that supports your arguments. Doing so will convince the murder board members that your project is well-reasoned, has the potential to deliver significant value, and is just downright awesome. Who can say no to that?

Anticipating tough questions and building your defense

To be frank, the murder board members are going to ask tough questions. Their role is to evaluate the project thoroughly and you’ve got to respect the process and prepare accordingly. Here’s how:

  1. Identify the common areas of inquiry during a murder board review. Get ready to speak to project risks, resource allocation, impact on stakeholders, and potential challenges. Prepare thoughtful and well-reasoned answers in advance (and it never hurts to turn on some good ol’ fashioned charm).
  2. Poke holes in your project before they can. Develop a comprehensive risk management plan that outlines mitigation strategies and contingency plans. Convince the board that you are well aware of any potential roadblocks and have strategies in place to overcome them.

Mastering the presentation with confidence

The brutal truth is: if you’re worried, they’ll worry. Presenting your project with confidence and conviction is crucial for success. Consider the following to shake your jitters and breeze through the review:

  1. Utilize effective visual aids, storytelling techniques, and a clear structure to engage and excite the murder board members. Ensure your presentation highlights the project’s key aspects, benefits, and potential outcomes.
  2. If you’ve heard it once, you’ve heard it a million times —practice makes perfect. Practice your presentation to ensure a smooth delivery. Rehearse in front of friends, colleagues or mentors to gain valuable feedback and address any weaknesses (just be careful not to violate any NDA’s).

Now get out there and start building your solid case! The confidence you bring to your presentation will leave a lasting impression on the murder board, and they’d be hard-pressed to commit any murder that day.