What the Heck is a Murder Board???

A murder board is a powerful tool that brings focus, scrutiny, and ruthless examination of projects to the table.

June 6, 2023
Murder board - A group of crows reading through documentation, representing a project murder board

Defining a murder board

Today, we’re diving into the intriguing world of project management once again, but this time, we’re shedding light on a slightly darker concept—the enigmatic “murder board” (don’t worry, it’s not as sinister as it sounds). 😱

You’re likely wondering, “What on Earth is a murder board?” Could it be a secret society of ruthless project evaluators plotting the demise of innocent projects? Well, not quite (though it can admittedly feel that way at times)! A murder board is a powerful tool that brings focus, scrutiny, and ruthless examination of projects to the table.

In essence, a group of experienced professionals gather together to review and critically evaluate a project or project proposal. Think of it as a team of detectives scrutinizing evidence and dissecting every aspect of a case to solve the mystery. They collectively examine the project’s details, challenges, and potential risks to ensure its viability and success. 🕵️‍♀️

But wait, you might be thinking, “Why ‘murder‘? Isn’t that a bit extreme?” I meeeaaaan, sure – why sugarcoat it? But it’s obviously a metaphorical murder, where the objective is to detect weaknesses, flaws, or potential roadblocks that could “kill” a project if left unaddressed. It’s like preemptively solving a mystery to prevent any fatal missteps or pitfalls in your projects (cue the Pitfall alligators, please🐊).

Now, let’s explore the benefits of unleashing the power of a murder board within your organization:

Understanding the benefits

  1. Thorough Evaluation:
    • The murder board provides an opportunity for diverse perspectives and expertise to come together. By examining every nook and cranny of a project, it ensures a comprehensive evaluation, leaving no stone unturned.
  2. Risk Mitigation:
    • By scrutinizing a project from various angles, the murder board identifies risks and challenges early on. This enables the team to develop contingency plans, address vulnerabilities, and increase the chances of project success.
  3. Enhanced Decision-Making:
    • The collective wisdom and experience of the board members contribute to more informed decision-making. With their critical insights, the board helps project leaders make well-rounded judgments, leading to better choices and improved outcomes (win, win).
  4. Continuous Improvement:
    • The murder board isn’t just a one-time ordeal. It becomes an iterative process, where projects are reviewed at various stages, allowing for continuous improvement and adjustment. This iterative approach fosters a culture of learning and adaptability within your organization.


Remember, a murder board isn’t about condemnation or bringing projects to a screeching halt. It’s about embracing critical evaluation and analysis to ensure projects are robust, well-prepared, and set up for success. By implementing this process to guide your organization’s decision-making process, you’ll enhance project outcomes and increase the likelihood of achieving your goals.

So now that you know what a murder board is, how on Earth do you prepare for your first board meeting? Learn that and more in our next post in the series!

In the meantime, think you could use some help firing up this practice in your organization? Our project management services run the gamut of all things project-related and we can help you navigate the setup and implementation of your own murder board (and should you wish to change the name, we’ll keep it our little secret).