Remote Project Management: Stay calm and project on

6 Essential Steps to Finding Calm In The Midst of Chaos

January 23, 2023
Remote project management image of a woman staying calm in a sea of work

It’s no secret that remote project management can be a wild ride. Deadlines, budgets, and navigating a seemingly endless sea of to-do’s can quickly add up to a whole lotta pressure.

So how do we not only find “the calm before the storm”, but manage to keep that zen-like state throughout the project’s lifecycle?

Let’s tackle this question together, using these 6 handy tips:

1. Organize Your Remote Project Management

Having a cluttered workspace can make it hard to focus, and lack of focus breeds chaos. Take a few minutes at the start of each day to tidy up your work area and get organized. Heck, even spend a couple of minutes at the end of the day to do a bit more of the same (your future coffee-deprived morning-self will thank you for it).

Remember, a clean workspace equals a clear mind… so consider the year of the rabbit your sign to remove those pesky little dust bunnies. 🐰

2. Prioritize Your Remote Project Management Tasks

Now that your desk is sparkling – pull out that proverbial pen and paper, and jot down a list of the most important tasks for your day. Decide which order is most practical and then get to work crossing those puppies off one-by-one. This brain exercise will help you feel like the boss of your own schedule and ensure you’re chipping away at the most critical parts of the project. ⛏️

TIP: If your not so much a “pen and paper” kinda guy or gal, and don’t already have a fancy task-tracking tool… we highly recommend you sign up for a FREE Trello account. It’s an excellent app to keep yourself on task and BONUS you can even share it out with friends (we advise against sharing it out with family… or you might just regret it around the holidays).

3. Communicate Effectively

You might be surprised to hear that around 90% – yes 90% – of a project manager’s success relates to their ability to communicate. 🀯

Clear and effective communication is imperative to keeping people informed and a project on track. Make sure you’re communicating regularly with your team and addressing any issues that arise promptly. And, don’t be afraid to add a little humor to your communication, it will make the whole process a tad less stressful and a lot more fun (or so we’ve heard – obviously we take everything too serious ’round these parts). πŸ˜‚

4. Take Breaks

It’s easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of keeping projects on track. But taking short breaks throughout the day is a sure fire way to help you recharge and refocus. Besides, who doesn’t love a good break?

Take a walk, grab a coffee, or just dance around the office to your favorite song (bonus points for doing so if you’re working onsite). πŸ•ΊπŸͺ©

5. Practice Mindfulness

Once you’ve slipped off your dancing shoes, it’s time to take it down a notch by moving inwards. Mindfulness is a powerful tool that can help you stay present and focused. And if you’ve already forgotten that focus is key to a project manager’s success… please return to point one. πŸ˜‰

Try taking a few minutes each day to sit quietly and practice mindful breathing. And, if you’re feeling overly adventurous, why not try some yoga, meditation, or even learning to play a Tibetan singing bowl (seriously folks – it’s a blast and gives you a perfect excuse to be innocently annoying)? πŸ§˜β€β™€οΈ

6. Stay Positive and BE FUN!

Just stay positive and be FUN!

A great attitude goes a long way in staying calm under pressure. Not to mention, who doesn’t love working with someone that can focus on the positive, even when times get tough? Remember the good things in your life and try your best to find the silver lining in any situation. And, if all else fails, just find a way to laugh and not take anything too seriously. πŸ₯³

Remote Project Management Support

If you find that you’re struggling to keep on top of your projects, why not give AROO Consulting a shout! Our team can help you navigate the challenges of remote project management and keep you feeling calm and in control. Awww… doesn’t that just sound like paradise? πŸ™Œ